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[box attachment_id=”5771″ type=”card” title=”About Us” href=”/http://emeriti.gsu.edu/about-us//”]The President bestows the title Emeritus on GSU faculty and administration who have distinguished themselves through research, teaching and/or service.[/box]
[box attachment_id=”5762″ type=”card” title=”People” href=”/http://emeriti.gsu.edu/people//”]There are more than 470 living emeriti who make up the membership of the association, and a dedicated group of emeriti serve as the coordinating board.[/box]
[box attachment_id=”5804″ type=”card” title=”Newsletter” href=”/http://emeriti.gsu.edu/newsletter//”]EmeriTies is the association’s newsletter and is published 3 times per year. It features articles written by members, upcoming events, and other important news.[/box]
[box attachment_id=”5764″ type=”card” title=”Giving” href=”/http://emeriti.gsu.edu/giving//”]The Emeriti Association is raising support for the Honors College through its “Just In Time Fund.” You may make your gift online.[/box]
[box attachment_id=”5734″ type=”card” title=”Calendar” href=”/http://emeriti.gsu.edu/calendar//”]There are a number of member events each year, including the benefits meeting, Valentine’s luncheon, and Authors Series, as well as other outings.[/box]
[box attachment_id=”5753″ type=”card” title=”Contact Us” href=”/http://emeriti.gsu.edu/contact-us//”]You may email the association at [email protected] or call 404-413-1319. For contact information for the coordinating board, visit the board page.[/box]
[events title=”Event Schedule”]