Emeriti Association
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The Emeriti Association was created under the leadership of Yezdi Bhada, Associate Provost for Academic Services, in response to retiring Emeriti faculty desiring to maintain university connection.
Emeriti Association History
In 2002-2003
In 2002, as Associate Provost for Academic Services, Yezdi Bhada realized the need to establish a continuing connection between GSU Emeriti and Georgia State University. A brief discussion with Provost Ron Henry resulted in an agenda item for a scheduled Dean’s meeting. Deans were supportive of developing an Emeriti Association and submitted Emeriti names for the initial Coordinating Committee of fifteen members. The Provost, Vice President of Development, and deans of Pullen Library and Robinson College of Business provided administrative resources to formalize the formation of the Emeriti Association. The GSU Emeriti Association was established in September 2003, with 15 members and Yezdi Bhada as chair. Initial Bylaws were written and formalized. A President’s Reception was held November 13, 2003, to officially welcome the new Emeriti Association at Georgia State University. (Source, EmeriTies, Summer, 2012, issue celebrating GSU Emeriti Association 10th Anniversary)
In 2011-2012,
the Association celebrated its 10th anniversary and changed from a Coordinating Committee to a Board.
In 2016,
the Emeriti Association welcomed Emeriti faculty from Georgia Perimeter College as it consolidated with Georgia State University.
December, 2022
Georgia State University Emeriti Association celebrated its 20th Anniversary with a reception at the Rialto. Following the Rialto reception, Emeriti also attended the School of Music 25th Anniversary performance of the GSU Holiday Gala. Professor Emeritus of Music and Emeriti Board member, John Haberlen, was honored at the Gala for his 25 year dedication and leadership in the creation and continuation of the Holiday Gala performance at Georgia State University.
New members introduced at the 2024 Spring Luncheon
Process for Becoming an Emeritus/Emerita
The process typically begins when a retiring or retired faculty member or University administrator informs his/her department chair that he/ she wishes to be distinguished as an emeritus/emerita. Upon departmental review and approval, the chair forwards the recommendation to the dean of the college, who adds his/ her own recommendation and forwards the request to the provost, who sends it to the President’s office for approval.
The President of Georgia State University bestows the title, Emeritus/Emerita, on faculty and administration who have distinguished themselves through research, teaching and/or service with ten or more years of honorable and distinguished service. The distinction is then acknowledged by the Georgia Board of Regents.
When you are awarded emeritus/emerita status, you automatically become a member of the Georgia State University Emeriti Association. No paperwork is necessary and no dues are required. The Association provides Emeriti opportunities for intellectual, creative, and social connections with each other through events of interest at the University and in the communities served by the University. The Emeriti Association is represented on the University Senate as a non-voting, ex-officio member.
All Emeriti are encouraged to stay connected and to be active in the Emeriti Association. Partnering with the Honors Program, the Emeriti Association financially contributes to “Just in Time”, a program that supports conference attendance and research presentations of selected honor program students. Many Emeriti members also donate food and money in support of the Panther Pantry, a food resource for needy GSU students. The Georgia State Emeriti Association is also an active member of the Georgia Higher Education Retiree Organization (Ga. HERO) and the American Retiree Organization of Higher Education (AROHE).